2014年3月27日 星期四

窩。台南的住宿規則 Accommodation Policies



Check-in 時間:下午3:00 - 9:00
Check-out時間:早上9:00 - 中午12:00
※一支鑰匙押金 NT $300元,退房時退回

1. 1F櫃檯開放的時間是:09:00 AM – 21:00 PM

2. 客棧入住時間為:15:00 PM – 21:00 PM,退房時間為:09:00 AM – 12:00 PM;退房時間超過12點需加收半天房費,超過下午15:00則需加收一天房費。

3. 退房時請憑押金單、毛巾及鑰匙在櫃檯退還押金。

4. 全棟建築室內禁止吸菸;房間內請勿飲用含酒精飲料,以上情事如被發現,本客棧有權沒收押金並請住客搬離。

5. 請勿攜帶任何違禁品進入客棧中,如:毒品、藥物。任何客人被發現使用毒品藥物,客棧有權報警處理,並請客人馬上搬離客棧並沒收押金。

6. 訪客可在2F交誼廳停留,禁止攜帶非住客進入房間內,違者如被發現,本客棧有權要求非住客離開。

7. 公用廁所位在中間走廊上及後棟樓梯間,公用淋浴間位在後棟樓梯間,請看走廊底端牆上標示。

8. 投幣式洗衣機、烘衣機位在五樓,需要10元硬幣請在1F櫃檯更換。

9. 提供免費冰、溫、熱飲水機,在前棟2F 交誼廳內。

10. 房間內隨時有其他人在休息,請住客盡可能在客棧中降低音量,走廊上也請勿大聲喧嘩、跑跳。晚間22:00 PM後請將音量降至最低。

11. 如有食用完的餐具垃圾及大型垃圾,請丟棄至前棟樓梯間的大型垃圾桶;回收如紙類、塑膠、寶特瓶、玻璃,請丟至回收桶中,一起做環保!

12. 單車租借請洽1F櫃檯,單車租借費用為NT 100/天。時間為自租借開始起算至凌晨12時,過了凌晨12時為第二天,需加收NT 100元。

13. 個人置物櫃如有任何狀況打不開,須持個人證件至1F櫃檯請求協助開鎖。

14. 若有任何緊急狀況發生,請馬上撥打:0953-825 397 聯絡Andy小幫手。

¡Attention, Wow Tainan is not a hotel! 

We are a backpack hostel, we need every our guest to be respectful to each other. Please make sure you read our policies and rules before booking, thanks!

Check in time: 3pm-9pm
Check out time: 9am-12pm
NT$ 300 for keys deposit, return at check out
No smoking inside the whole building, including the hallway and bathroom.
No alcohol in rooms.

1. The front desk is on the first floor, available from 09:00 AM to 21:00 PM.

2. New arrivals can check into their rooms from 15:00 PM to 21:00 PM. 
Departing guests must remove all their belongings from their room, and check out from 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM. If you need to store your luggage on the day of your departure, please arrange it with reception. Late check out after 12:00 pm will be charged for half of the room rate; after 15:00 pm will be extra charged of one night room rate.

3. Guests should check out and get deposit refund with the deposit sheet, key and towel at the front desk.

4. Smoking is not allowed in the Wow Tainan building at anytime. Any guest found smoking inside the building would be asked to leave the hostel and will not be offered a refund.

5. Drinking any beverage with alcohol in the rooms is not allowed. Any guest found drinking in the room may be asked to leave the hostel and will not be offered a refund.

6. Drug use is illegal in Taiwan. Any guest found using drugs within the building, the property has the right to call polices, and the guest will be asked to leave the hostel immediately and will not be offered a refund.

7. Please don’t take non-residential guest into the room; guest can stay in common room on the 2nd floor. Non-residential guest found in the rooms will be asked to leave.

8. Coin-operated washing machine and tumbler dryer are on the 5th floor. Change at the reception on 1st floor.

9. Free iced, warm, hot water dispenser is in common room on the 2nd floor.

10. Refrigerator and electronics devices in little kitchen are free to use, please don’t bring plates and cutlery back to room.

10. Noise level must be kept low to allow other guests the opportunity to take rest at any time, especially after 22:00 PM.

11. Please bring large-sized garbage to the trash can in the staircase. Paper, plastic bags, plastic bottle and glass product to the other trash can.

12. Bike rent at the front desk. The rent is NT 100/day. One day means the time you start renting until the midnight 12:00 AM. Return the bike after 12:00 AM will be charged one more day.

13. In any case guests can’t open their personal locker, they can ask for help at the front desk with valid ID card or passport.

14. Any emergency situation, please call Andy/ 0953 825 397 immediately.

